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On the 9th of May, we celebrated Europe's Day in our school on this special occasion, we received valuable resources wich give us the oportunity to bring Europe, it's values,institutions and diversity in our school.
In organising this event, a major contribution had the teacher team from my Europe. Designed an innovative virtual learning environment and launched at the request of the European Parliament, my Europe web site project offers us a new style of learning that emphasizes resources, relationships and exploration .
Our students study the European Union's programms in the field of education, youth and research aimed to contribute towards increasing and diversifying their knowledge, skills and working methods in a multicultural society. They are interested to find out how EU has succeeded in setting up a future without frontiers, an area of freedom, security and justice.
Members of local community were invited and revealed to our students the values of European civilization, as well as the basis on wich European peoples intend to fond their development, such as the safeguarding of democratic principles, social justice, respect for human rights, tolerance and respect for diversity.
Exploring the key actions carried out in the Union's programmes, regarding quality of life and management of living resources, new technologies, interfaces between Science-Technology-Society. Students discuss about the serious problems that today's Europe is facing, in areas such as industry, health, the environment, energy and transport
Making students aware of the advantages that the European Community offers in the field of education: developing European school partenership based on better mutual knowledge of educational systems and of the exchange of information and experience. Students are encouraged to contribute in building up a new kind of society essentially bound up with knowledge: it's generation through research, it's transmission through education and it's exploitation in the innovation.